The 6-Figure Seamstress: Part 1- Discovering Your Ideal Client Community
We’re starting our 6-Figure Seamstress series with a critical topic: Discovering Your Ideal Client Community.
Knowing who your ideal client is is truly the foundation to building a successful and sustainable business! In this call, we talk about how to identify who it is you actually want to serve.
By taking time to work through the homework guide, you’ll be able to have a clear picture of your audience, making so many other facets of your business easier to navigate, including:
social media posts
and so much more!
Click the Homework tab below to download your ICC journaling prompts.
It Starts with a Vision
Before we move any further, you’re encouraged to think through your dream business.
In this call, you’ll also be prompted to dream about what you want to DO, FEEL, and HAVE in your bridal alterations business in 2025.
When you imagine your dream business, what do you DO?
How do you FEEL?
What do you HAVE?
Your homework this week includes these questions, with plenty of journal prompts to get your brainstorm going! The more specific you can be with these answers, the easier it will be to build the business.
How can we design a business lifestyle before we clearly identify what that lifestyle is?
The ‘dream business lifestyle’ will be different for everyone. Your answers should reflect your personal values, your family’s lifestyle, and your own financial goals.
Have fun! I’m excited to how what you came up with!