How to Set Goals Like a BOSS, Part II: 10 actionable steps you can take today to jumpstart your goals!
Last week we dreamed of the big goals, and this week we're setting up actionable steps for success!
As entrepreneurs, we can get 'stuck' in the details when it comes to pursuing our dreams.
But what is the first literal step we need to take to achieve the goals?
In this episode, I offer 10 easy, actionable steps that can jumpstart your momentum. Sometimes we just need that first move to get the ball rolling!
Remember that every actionable step you take in your business, no matter how small, will work in your favor and move you closer to the goal. Celebrate the wins, and give yourself grace when you're trying something new. You're so brave to share yourself and your talents with the world like this!
Just think...a year from now, you'll see the fruit of your labor, and be so happy that you kept going.
For further reading on the topic of small steps reaping BIG rewards, check out James Clear's book, 'Atomic Habits'. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! GRAB YOUR COPY HERE
What goals are YOU working towards? Want to schedule a coaching call to create a personalized, in-depth plan for your business strategy? Let's get started! CLICK HERE to book a coaching call!
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